David Glynn - Hiab Operator/Driver
David   is   a   skilled   hiab   crane   operator,   who   has   worked   for   the business   for   over   5   years.   He   is   a   Class   5   Driver,   is   a   NZQA Certified   Truck   Crane   Operator.   In   his   spare   time   he   enjoys spending time with his young daughter.
PROFILE: WERNER FONTEIN Having   started   in   the   Auckland   property   industry   as   a   sales   rep   for   Carter   Holt   Building Supplies   in   1989,   Werner   gained   a   Diploma   of Architectural   Technology   at   UNITEC   in   the mid-90's. From   1996   to   early   2009   he   held   the   position   of   Planning   and   Design   Manager   for Mansons   TCLM   and   during   that   period   was   involved   in   the   feasibility,   concept   design   and Council   consenting   process   of   over   80   developments   valued   in   excess   of   NZ$700   Million. The    projects    ranged    from    high-end    apartments    and    residential    homes    on    the    North Shore,   Herne   Bay   and   East   Auckland   to   Central   area   Office   towers   and   many   other Commercial and Industrial projects throughout the greater Auckland area. After   5   years   in   Queensland   as   a   project   manager   and   as   Director   of   Fontein   Design   Pty Ltd   focusing   on   residential   and   primarily   the   hospitality   industry,   he   returned   in   2014   to start   Fontein   Consulting   &   Design   Ltd   with   a   focus   on   delivering   creative   design   that maximises potential and above all, is able to be consented by Council. Werner's   depth   and   breadth   of   property   and   design   experience   enables   him   to   conceive and crystallise design solutions and opportunities that others might not see. He holds NZLBP Architectural design and Australian QBCC - Design & Building Licences. To   view   more   about   recent   projects   undertaken   by   Fontein   Consulting   Ltd   or   during Werner's time in Queensland and at Mansons TCLM, please go to our projects page. A list of referees, written references and qualifications are available on request.
Property Consulting and Design - Due Dilligence - Feasibility - Resource Consents - Building Consents